We offer this suggestion because we depend on donations to support the Moosewatch program and other aspects of the wolf-moose project’s research.
Participants are responsible for covering the costs for getting to Isle Royale.
Fill out the online application form and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.
The Expedition begins when you arrive to Isle Royale. How you arrive to Isle Royale depends on the Expedition for which you sign up (see above). IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE YOUR OWN BOAT RESERVATIONS.
For Expeditions departing from Grand Portage, MN, the closest airports in the U.S. are Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, and Duluth, MN. Thunder Bay, Ontario, may not be a travel option; be sure to check border regulations. Note, there is no public transportation available between Duluth and Grand Portage, but usually we can figure out car-pooling with other volunteers.
For information about getting to Isle Royale
via the Voyageur, click here.
via the Queen, click here.
via the Ranger III, click here.
Details necessary for making your own reservation can be found here.
For Expeditions departing from Grand Portage, MN, the closest airports are Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, and Duluth, MN.
For Expeditions departing from Houghton, MI, or Copper Harbor, MI, the closest airport is the Houghton County Airport (CMX).
Details, application, and questionnaire can be found here.